Press For Spiritual Progress 2018

  • Check out new blog update today and a new Espanol page!

Do you long to make a difference in this world?  Does your heart feel pain for the souls of women today?

So much is happening around us. Women everywhere are feeling angst.  Some are fearful. Some are angry. Some are passionate. They are marching. They are hoping. They are calling for change for their lives and for the lives of those around them. They hunger to feel valued. They desire a meaningful purpose. Meanwhile, too many are burdened by bitterness and weighed down by guilt and shame. Women across the world are desperate for meaningful relationships…longing to matter. Longing for love.

Myriad are the issues, but the one solid solution lies only in the person of Jesus. Only through his loving, life-giving message can the hearts of everywoman—those we don’t know as well as those we do know—find true acceptance, freedom from guilt, forgiveness, and hope. Jesus alone can give confidence, security, and purpose to all. He turned the world upside down with his culture-changing value of women when he walked this earth, and he has no desire to stop now.

To be bold for spiritual change we must start somewhere.  What can we do?

Look around. Really see the lives behind each face. Will you pray for them? Will you act on their behalf?

Wednesday, March 8 is the annual International Women’s Day. This year’s world theme is “Be Bold for Change.”  What a fitting message for disciples of Jesus!

The need is great. We need courage and boldness to offer the mighty things God has done for us to those around us.  We must act in compassion, for without love our words are no more than clanging symbols (1 Cor. 13).

Words can be many. We can post, we can tweet, we can carry signs…but the question remains—what will we do? As the Scriptures state, Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:18)

On Tuesday, March 7, we are asking all sisters around the world to join together for a day of prayer and fasting.

For what? For boldness to change the world for Jesus. We will send specific scriptures and prayer requests via the website.

On Wednesday, March 8, we are asking all sisters to “be bold for spiritual change.” Act. Be bold. Through faith let us call on God to unleash the power of his Spirit in our lives as we share the powerful message of Jesus. And remember that we are not alone.

Prepare your hearts. Stay tuned. Tune in to: Sign up and you will receive updates. We will send ideas and would love to hear yours. Spread the word. Share. Post.

Our prayer for this site is to further unite and inspire us as sisters in Christ, and to stretch our imagination for ways God can use us to help women everywhere find the meaning and value for which they were created. As we unite in prayer and fasting, we look forward to seeing what God will do through his mighty power at work in our lives.

Over the next few months we will share scriptures and prayer requests. We will remind you of the countries that are united in prayer. We will share stories of sisters being bold for spiritual change. And, we will strive to communicate some of the faith-building ways God is working through our united prayers and actions.

Numerous sisters of all ages and from various nations have contributed to this plan. We look forward to hearing your feedback as we serve together.

Let us call on God together, and through faith wait in grateful expectation for his mighty works.

Here is a blurb to announce, e-mail and to share in your bulletin this week:

In one week, Tuesday, March 7, sisters from all over the world will join together for a day of prayer and fasting. Our prayer focus is boldness–to bring spiritual change for women all over the world. We look forward to calling on God to unleash the power of his Spirit through our lives as we strive to love as Jesus loved. The following day, March 8, International Women’s Day, we will respond to God’s hearing our united prayers through individual and collective acts of boldness. Enthusiastic responses to this initiative have poured in from our sister churches throughout the continents. Please join us. Share the news!! The pages on the website can be emailed and posted to social media. They can also be translated. To learn more go to:

Hear more at


Love, Jeanie Shaw, Anne-Brigitte Taliaferro, Marci Arneson, and Kim Evans

88 thoughts on “Press For Spiritual Progress 2018

  1. I thank God for this opportunity to join with my sisters around the world to petition God to work powerfully in the lives of women around the world who need him & to be vessels of change that God can use in the lives of these women.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am super excited and grateful for this opportunity.This is an answered prayer for me,to be able to unite with my sister’s all around the world to pray and ask God to work in each and every one of our lives powerfully and other women around the world whom are in much need of him.
    Praying that we all can stay focused on the purpose and on what we are called to do. I also pray we’d be courages, bold and fearless women to make the changes necessary in ourselves help and encourage others as well. Share the word and do his will all over the world.
    I pray for unity and that we love each other the way we are called to that we are able to show our love through compassion and action just like Jesus did.
    Always remembering that we are not alone. Praying for a spiritual change.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sandra Shin I am so grateful to join my sisters in this endeavour. I started a ministry in my church for this very reason. Women Empowered Women by the Holy Spirit. I am presently studying the bible with women from prison. I am trained as a NorthEast Florida Ambassador in order to bring awareness to churches and communities of Human trafficking. God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Our women’s ministry here in Penang Malaysia will be joining the fasting and prayer on the 7th and 8th! Looking forward on how God will answer our prayers! Thank you for calling us higher into our prayers lives 🙂 truly this is what we need!


  5. C’est extraordinaire de voir et de comprendre la puissance de Dieu se manifester dans la vie des femmes qui se laissent conduire par Dieu. Ce bloc édifie ma foi et m’encourage à développer de la profondeur dans ma relation avec Dieu. Que Dieu vous bénisse et que cette initiative produise le résultat escompté. Je vous aime.


    • A la place de la faim, une paix, une joie profonde qui vient en voyant comment Dieu prend soin dans les détails. Et nous les femmes nous sommes attachées au détail et nous voyons ces choses. J’étais dans la crainte de ce jeûne, et d’une part, Dieu a permis que je n’éprouve même pas la faim, et d’autre part, il ne m’a pas tenté, mes collègues étaient absents, j’ai pu prier avec une sœur au moment ou l’un deux est venu pour prendre son déjeuner dans le bureau. Alors ce sont de petites choses, mais autant de preuve de l’écoute attentive de notre Dieu. J’espère continuer ainsi en gardant la confiance de son écoute attentive.


      • I’m on my 2nd day of the Daniel Fast and God is already using me…

        On Mar 7, 2017 3:46 PM, “Be Bold for Spiritual Change 2017” wrote:

        > Florence commented: “A la place de la faim, une paix, une joie profonde > qui vient en voyant comment Dieu prend soin dans les détails. Et nous les > femmes nous sommes attachées au détail et nous voyons ces choses. J’étais > dans la crainte de ce jeûne, et d’une part, Dieu a permi” >


  6. Es maravillosa la idea de unirnos como mujeres y pedirle a nuestro Dios un cambio en nuestros corazones, soy parte De la Iglesia en Ciudad de México y les quiero compartir que ayer tuvimos un día súper especial ya que nos pudimos reunir todas las regiones en un recinto muy importante en la ciudad y contamos con la presencia de Douglas Arthur de Boston y algunas otras iglesias de EU quienes también nos ayudaron a cumplir este sueño realidad, todas las mujeres recibimos el mensaje de unirnos en oración y ayuno y estamos muy motivadas de llevarlo a cabo.


  7. Am so looking forward to our uniting in fasting and prayer. The world we live in is getting darker and darker. Women’s fight for equal rights was uplifting in many ways but also devastating in other ways. Without a Biblical view of womanhood, the world at large has made what God intended our role to be, seem ludicrous. My prayer will be that we as sisters join together and,with the power of the Holy Spirit,reach out to those woman God puts in our paths. That God goes before us preparing their hearts with a longing to know God’s teachings about what we should be. What His purpose for us is.. We must put God first . Then and ONLY THEN can we strengthen each other.
    Women are not the only ones hurt by today’s culture without God but our brothers are also suffering. As we understand our role, as God intended, then we can support our brothers in the roll God intended for them as leaders.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Bold…. what a great way to share the strength of woman all over the world to bring awareness of being bold…and yet have the compassion and love of Jesus.
    I think of boldness for God and I think of what it actually means. To acknowledge, to go forward with faith, to not shrink back for fear of failure. To come together as woman of God, to take hold, to embrace ,to lean into , together , for strength of the 3 cord cannot be easily broken. I am grateful for this opportunity to stand up , empowered together on our journey as woman of God, to share our faith and our love for God .♡


  9. Estou Muito Feliz por essa Oportunidade Que o Senhor nos Deu de Estarmos Todas Unidas nesse Propósito.
    Eu pesso que o Senhor nos Dê força e Coragem, porque não É facíl.
    Para Deus Vai a Glória, Amèm!


  10. The sisters in the Auckland Church in New Zealand have begun the fast!! NZ and Fiji get to kick off this amazing two days! can’t wait to hear all the good news!


  11. The mature women of Dorchester, (Boston) Massachusetts are eager to join our sisters all over the world in the battle for souls. To show women what true love is through the word of God. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to hear the good news.

    To God Be the Glory!


  12. Greetings from the South of London 🇬🇧!! I’m looking forward to seeing all that God will do around the world. The day of fasting has begun.

    Love, Angela


  13. I’m looking forward to fasting and praying for women here and all over the world to be bold for change. I know God will do and bless us going forward.


  14. É sempre uma honra servir a Deus, e como mulher devemos fazer uso de cada oportunidade granjeada. ser usadas como seu instrumento a qualquer altura e engajada numa missão global com o objectivo de dar uma esperança nas lágrimas infindáveis de mulheres sem esperança, sem fé, sem rumo, onde para ela a luz está longe de ser alcançada.
    Estou animada para ver o que Deus vai fazer no globo, e em Angola (Luanda) em particular!


  15. Your sisters in Houston have joined the day of prayer of fasting! We are eager to unite with the sisterhood (brothers too!) across the world in this way. Thank you for organizing this, it is exciting to see how God will move when we avail ourselves!


  16. wooow cant wait to see what God has in store for his people,m priviledged to be part of this movement..sisters we can do it.Nancy from icocea Kenya


  17. Can’t wait to see how God has worked through our prayers and fasting.
    Sisterhood, unite! Always and every day. Be bold.


  18. Heart-moving, refreshing, inspirational time of prayer this morning in San Diego, CA, USA. So very encouraged to know I was united in prayer with my sisters around the world! To God be the glory <3.


  19. Today we prayed on Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans. We women in this city are praying for boldness and spiritual change in our lives. It was about 7 of us. We are excited to see what God will do in our city. To God Be The Glory


  20. I am grateful to God for this opportunity to pray and fast along with the rest of the women around the world. I pray for boldness, courage, strength, faith and love to do God’s will in helping women to be like Jesus. I started opening my home for prayer, fellowship and fun one Saturday morning every month. May God bless this act of service for His glory…


  21. Tolu from Milton, Massachusetts join with my sisters here in our Milton group and all over the world, in prayer for boldness in proclaiming the gospel to women in our families, our place of work, schools, the gym, and the shops.
    For God is going to do something in our day that we won’t believe, even if we were told. Habakkuk 1:5


  22. Tolu on March 8, 2017 at 12:11 pm said:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Tolu from Milton, Massachusetts join with my sisters here in our Milton group and all over the world, in prayer for boldness in proclaiming the gospel to women in our families, our place of work, schools, the gym, and the shops.
    For God is going to do something in our day that we won’t believe, even if we were told. Habakkuk 1:5


  23. “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
    John 14:12 ESV
    So sisters are we believing ?


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